
Hear It From The Makers (Interview with Bridget Muscat)

Winter Outdoor Retailer 2017 brought yet another round of amazing conversations, new friends, and good vibes. We were fortunate enough to meet up with Brian Brinkerhoff from Backcountry Radio Network and connect through the show, where he interviews Bridget -President and Sales Manager...

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Customer Spotlight: The Grand Adventures of “Greenie”

“I had one of the original sail-cloths for about 15 years. My niece’s husband said: “As long as I’ve known you, you’ve had that green wallet.” I had bought it right after the NY Times article about a small company...

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7 Things to Never Carry in Your Wallet

We’re going to preface this post with a quick “there are literally thousands of things you shouldn’t put in your wallet,” but we’ve picked the top 7 (or maybe 6) of the usual suspects people tend to fall victim to....

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5 Reasons You SHOULDN’T Carry A Slim Wallet

Slim wallets aren’t for everyone. Weird for us to say right? Based on our 21 years of experience in the business, we’ve figured out the top reasons people are out there trying to make the change from a big bulky...

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We're All Just a Bunch of Junkies, What's Your Next Fix?

Your regular thoughts dissipate. Your heart tries to leap out of your mouth. Your stomach wrenches into a ball of a thousand trampling unicorns. Palms sweaty, weak knees, wide eyed. Fear. Joy. Strength. Empowerment. Adventurers: This is about you! What...

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Zion – What You Need to Know About Hiking the Narrows

August: A month known for its high temps, beating rays, and sunburns. But despite the heat, there are a ton of places you can explore that lend themselves perfectly to an outdoor adventure. As native San Diegans, we’re used to spending...

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Sunny Days, Fishing the Blues Away

July is probably one of the nicest months to experience a truly beautiful summer day in San Diego. You’re past the June gloom, and it’s not yet hot enough for the August broil. If you live in or are from...

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Adventure Every Day

Take a look in the dictionary, and you’ll read that an adventure is ‘An unusual, exciting, or daring experience.’ Or something along those lines, anyway. Is the guy climbing the Rockies on an adventure? What about somebody taking a weird...

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